

A brain injury can lead to fatigue during the next year

Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a lot of different symptoms, but one that has been commonly noted is general fatigue in the year after the TBI takes place. A study was done to observe the various trends associated with this side effect. The study had 210 adult participants.
As may be expected, those who had suffered a severe TBI had a higher level of fatigue than those who had moderate injuries. This was true for both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. They also had reduced activity levels.

It was interesting to see how the fatigue levels changed over time, as it was not the same for all injuries. Those who had suffered a mild TBI saw their own fatigue levels go down as time passed. Those with a moderate TBI did not see much change, and the fatigue levels were said to be stable. Those who had severe TBIs, though, saw fatigue levels increase over time.

Some other conditions were shown to have a significant association with fatigue, including:

  • Insomnia.
  • Depression.
  • Cognitive difficulty.
  • Pain.

These were all noted at four months after the injury. Things generally stayed the same until eight months had gone by. By 12 months, there had been significant changes in work status for some of those being monitored.

This last finding is very important, as changes in work status — even if they happen long after the initial injury — could still be connected to that injury. Those who have been hurt and are seeking compensation in Arizona may want to remember that lost wages could be considered along with other compensation.