
How to treat road rash

As a bicyclist or motorcyclist, you know one thing to be true: Falling to the pavement can cause a variety of injuries, including road rash. ​ Not only does road rash hurt, but if left untreated it can lead to a variety of other health concerns in the future, such as scarring. Here are some […]

A spinal cord injury can change your life

When a person suffers a spinal cord injury, there is a good chance that his or her life will never be the same. For example, you may require full-time care after this type of injury. ​ Unfortunately, there are times when a spinal cord injury is the result of the negligence of another party. When […]

What is the best first aid treatment for a major burn?

Your skin can be burned in a variety of accidents. For example, this could happen if you start a fire in your kitchen. The same holds true if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident of any kind.There is a big difference between a minor and major burn. If you have reason to believe […]

Make a plan to seek compensation after a motorcycle crash

Many different injuries are possible in a motorcycle accident. One that we discussed is a laceration. This injury can range from a minor scrape that only needs a bandage to a huge gash that needs more stitches than what you might care to think about. The fact of the matter is that motorcycle accident injuries […]

Things to know about treating a laceration

As a motorcyclist, you know that any fall from your bike could result in a serious injury. This can include everything from broken bones to lacerations. Treating a laceration is easier said than done, especially if you’re dealing with other injuries at the same time. Before we go any further, you need to know one […]

Helmets and motorcycle accidents

As a motorcyclist, you may realize the importance of wearing protective gear at all times Even if this is not required in your state, it goes without saying that you may wear a helmet, among other items, to help protect yourself. Arizona, for instance, only has helmet laws for riders under the age of 17. […]

Medical malpractice can cause a serious injury or illness

When you visit any type of medical professional, you hope that this person makes key decisions that improve your overall level of health. But what happens if this is not the case? What happens if a medical professional makes a mistake that causes serious injury or an illness? If you find yourself in the situation […]

Types of accidents that cause burn injuries

A burn injury can be extremely difficult to treat. Even with the right approach, it can take many procedures and months of treatment in order to help the person regain some control of his or her life. Unfortunately, even if you do your best to avoid a burn accident, you never know if you could […]

What is the best treatment strategy for a concussion?

If you have reason to believe you have suffered a concussion, such as in a motorcycle or motor vehicle accident, you must seek immediate medical care. Once the appropriate tests are complete, your medical team can provide feedback on your condition and what to expect in the future. If you find that you have a […]

There is more than one type of bone fracture

As a motorcyclist, you know that any type of accident can cause serious harm to your health. For example, fracture bones are extremely common in this type of accident. Despite the fact that bones are rigid, they provide some level of give in the event of an outside force, such as a collision with the […]