
A brain injury can lead to fatigue during the next year

Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a lot of different symptoms, but one that has been commonly noted is general fatigue in the year after the TBI takes place. A study was done to observe the various trends associated with this side effect. The study had 210 adult participants. As may be expected, those who […]

How can you live through a plane crash?

Don’t assume that being in a plane crash is a death sentence. Some statistics have suggested that over 95 percent of people involved in these crashes survive. In fact, it’s been found that there are a few things you can do to increase your odds of being in that surviving number if you’re ever unlucky […]

Medications used with brain injuries

If you suffer from a brain injury, medications may or may not be used. Typically, rest is the best solution for a mild brain injury, and the only medications you use could be mild painkillers — to deal with a headache, for example. For more serious issues, though, more potent medications could be needed, including […]

Child burned with hose left in the sun

Odds are good that you don’t even have a hot water option on your outdoor hose. Most people don’t, so they never even think about how hot that water can get. However, if you turn the hose off without draining it, the water can sit in the sun and heat up to a dangerous temperature, […]

Motorcycle crashes in Arizona rose in 2015

A recent report shows that the roads are not getting any safer for motorcycles in Arizona. The number of deadly accidents went up in 2015, rising from 128 in 2014 to 134 last year. Officials said that speed was often a factor. They noted that some motorcyclists went faster than conditions should have allowed. However, […]

Facts you may not know about plane crashes

Plane crashes, especially those involving airliners, are often all over the news. However, there are still a lot of things people don’t know about these accidents. Below are a few interesting things to consider. 1. It may be safer to choose a seat at the back of the plane. Studies have found that those in […]

Key facts about bankruptcy and spinal cord injuries

You may have already assumed that the cost of a spinal cord injury or a brain injury was going to be fairly high, but did you know that you’re actually statistically more likely to go bankrupt after one of these injuries than someone who isn’t hurt? Below are a few key facts to know about […]

Woman killed when drugged motorcyclist hits train

A woman who had lived in Arizona was killed in a motorcycle accident in Camarillo, California. She was just 23 years old. She passed away at the scene of the wreck when the motorcycle slammed into a train. The woman was riding on the back of the bike, which was being driven by a 26-year-old […]

What happens right after a serious injury to the brain?

A closed brain injury can sometimes be hard to identify, as there may be very little external trauma to note. As such, it’s important to know what happens right after a serious injury so that symptoms can be spotted. Below are a few things that happen right after the brain is injured. 1. In some cases, the […]

Why do small planes crash so much more often?

There are very few airliner accidents in the United States. When a large plane goes down with hundreds of people on board, it makes all of the headlines, but the reality is that this is rather uncommon. ​ Still, there are plenty of plane crashes every year. They just involve small planes far more often. […]